Breakfast Of Champions: Smoked Mackerel, Noodles & Ribbons of Carrot

Smoked Mackerel Nodles
Smoked mackerel, wholewheat noodles and ribbons of carrot

I'm not really a morning person but I do try very hard to be one, I find the quiet in the morning is a great time to get work done but I do have to make an effort to pry myself out of bed particularly now it's dark and cold in the morning, ugh!
Cooking anything complicated when I'm in my foggy morning daze is never going to happen which is why this simple dish is perfect

I like the vacuum packed mackerel that you get in the supermarket because it's quick and easy -just what I need in the morning. Mackerel is also a great brain food as it's packed with omega 3 an essential fatty acid, great when you need to be sharp and on your game first thing. You can pop the mackerel in the microwave too and it's done in 2 mins.
I'm a wholewheat convert when it comes to noodles and they are important in this dish because this is where you get the fibre and good carbohydrates that are going to sustain you throughout the morning.

The oil from this fish coats the noodles nicely and the sweetness from the carrot brings it all together, raw spring onions pack your morning wake up punch and are all the seasoning you need. The flavour combinations would usually have me reaching for a dash of soy but this is breakfast you don't need the sluggish salt right now.

This little breakfast always perks me up and keeps me going and I'd like to think it's been responsible for a few flashes of inspiration. It's a good exam day breakfast too.

4 Simple Ingredients
Wholewheat noodles
Diced spring onion
Ribbons of carrot (use the vegetable peeler to get them super thin)
and a nice piece smoked mackerel

Boil up the noodles and carrots (in the same pan) while grilling the mackerel and dicing the spring onion. Drain the noodles and carrots, toss in the spring onion and sit the mackerel on top.

Have a great day powered by this great breakfast!

My breakfast of champions motto "Breakfast like a queen, lunch like a princess and dinner like a pauper."