YouTuber Allotment Q&A

This month has been very wet and windy at the plot. I had a few short weekly videos -episodes Y1E43 - Y1E46  to on the year one allotment playlist. Then I decided on a particularly rainy afternoon to launch a YouTube Allotmenters Q&A tag video.

The questions were
1. How long have you had your allotment for?
2. How long did you have to wait for your allotment?
3. Where did you learn about gardening?
4. Do you plant a winter garden?
5. What has been your biggest success this year/ever?
6. What's been your biggest gardening disaster?
7. Do you have a tried and true crop variety that you always grow?
8. Are you planning on trying anything new next year?
9.  How do you preserve your crops?
10. What's your favourite meal to cook with veg from the plot?

I'm pleased to say that I have had some video responses from a few YouTube allotmenters already. Hearing everyone's answers is really interesting because they are all so different. I've been trying to link them all on this Facebook post if you'd like to watch some more answers or even add your own.

Last week I asked (and answered) 10 allotment related questions and the answers are starting to come in, in video form...

One question I wished I had added would be why did you start YouTube.
I'd love to hear your responses.